New research advances spintronics technology

Engineers at the University of California, Riverside, have reported advances in so-called "spintronic" devices that will help lead to a new technology for computing and data storage. They have developed methods to detect ...

Quantum race accelerates development of silicon quantum chip

A team of TU Delft scientists led by Professor Vandersypen seeks to create better and more reliable quantum processors. In a neck-and-neck race with competitors, they showed that quantum information of an electron spin can ...

Researchers successfully demonstrate a quantum gate in silicon

Milestone on the path to the quantum computer: Scientists of the University of Konstanz, Princeton University, and the University of Maryland have developed a stable quantum gate for two-quantum bit systems made of silicon. ...

Photons do the twist, and scientists can now measure it

Researchers in the University of Minnesota's College of Science and Engineering have measured the twisting force, or torque, generated by light on a silicon chip. Their work holds promise for applications such as miniaturized ...

Magnetic nanoparticles enhance performance of solar cells

Magnetic nanoparticles can increase the performance of solar cells made from polymers - provided the mix is right. This is the result of an X-ray study at DESY's synchrotron radiation source PETRA III. Adding about one per ...

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