Related topics: nanoparticles

Skeletons in the pre-Cambrian closet

The Cambrian explosion marked a major blossoming in the tree of life around 540 million years ago. Nearly all of the major phyla in the animal kingdom appeared in a sudden burst of evolution. One of the drivers of this rapid ...

Small particles show big promise in beating unpleasant odors

Scientists are reporting development of a new approach for dealing with offensive household and other odors -- one that doesn't simply mask odors like today's room fresheners, but eliminates them at the source. Their research ...

Colonization of Mars might be microbes away

Tiny rock-eating microbes could mine precious extraterrestrial resources from Mars and pave the way for the first human colonists. Just don't expect them to transform the red planet's surface into a new Earth on a short deadline, ...

Tracking viruses back in time

How long have viruses been around? No one knows. Scientists at Portland State University have begun taking the first steps toward answering this question.

Nano-sand to improve lotions and cosmetics

South Australian researchers have invented and patented a new technology for delivering cosmetics and drugs to the skin. They are using nanoparticles of silica (essentially sand) to create longer lasting cosmetics and creams ...

Rare earth metal enhances phosphate glass

( -- Adding cerium oxide to phosphate glass rather than the commonly used silicate glass may make glasses that block ultraviolet light and have increased radiation damage resistance while remaining colorless, ...

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