Transforming noise into mechanical energy at nano level

A team of researchers at the Freie Universität Berlin, co-ordinated by José Ignacio Pascual, have developed a method that enables efficiently using the random movement of a molecule in order to make a macroscopic-scale ...

New tools developed to unveil mystery of the 'glycome'

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have developed chemical compounds that can make key modifications to common sugar molecules ("glycans"), which are found on the surface of all cells in our body. The new study ...

New way to put the brakes on cancer found

While great strides have been achieved in cancer treatment, scientists are looking for the new targets and next generation of therapeutics to stop this second leading cause of death nationwide. A new platform for drug discovery ...

Study measures single-molecule machines in action

( -- In the development of future molecular devices, new display technologies, and "artificial muscles" in nanoelectromechanical devices, functional molecules are likely to play a primary role.

Cancer on the breath? The nose knows

A breath test for "sniffing out" cancer in a person's breath is a step closer to reality, according to a study recently published in the British Journal of Cancer. The study results show that the device developed by Prof. ...

The laser beam as a "3D painter"

(—There are many ways to create three dimensional objects on a micrometer scale. But how can the chemical properties of a material be tuned at micrometer  precision? Scientists at the Vienna University of Technology ...

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