New mRNA technology turns cells into long-lasting drug factories

A team of researchers has established a ribonucleic acid (RNA)-based method that drives cells in the body to produce therapeutic proteins and secrete them into the bloodstream. The approach could potentially extend the lifespan ...

Inside the world of cell signaling: A G-protein breakthrough

Scientists from the UNC School of Medicine have developed a new tool for studying a key process in cells called G-protein signaling, which plays a central role in the normal functioning of cells and can go awry to cause severe ...

How bacteria evolve defenses to antibiotics

High-resolution cryo-electron microscopy has now revealed in unprecedented detail the structural changes in the bacterial ribosome which results in resistance to the antibiotic erythromycin.

Detour leads to antibiotic resistance

Ludwig Maximilian University researchers have used cryo-electron microscopic imaging to characterize the structural alterations in the bacterial ribosome that are required for induction of resistance to the antibiotic erythromycin.

New technique enables study of 'challenging' proteins

Researchers from Hull, Bristol and Frankfurt have shown that a new technique for identifying molecular structure can be used effectively on small samples of biological proteins, particularly proteins that are targeted for ...