Related topics: health ministry

Advocating an African science at the end of the century

Historians note a shift from Eurocentric conceptualizations of science during the late nineteenth century. Spurred by a burgeoning print culture and widespread dissemination of news regarding scientific discoveries, "science" ...

Forgotten species could future-proof coffee in a warming world

A once-prized coffee species, rediscovered in West Africa decades after it was thought to have disappeared, is just as tasty as high-end Arabica and more resilient to climate change, scientists said Monday, adding that the ...

Celebrities lead TED global call to act on climate crisis

With a call to save the planet, Prince William and Pope Francis on Saturday joined activists, artists, celebrities and politicians in a free streamed TED event aimed at mobilizing and unifying people to confront the climate ...

Former war refugee maps habitat for West African bird

Growing up in Liberia during that country's brutal 14-year civil war, Benedictus Freeman and his family fled into the rainforest, where they survived for years eating bush meat and foraging. The rainforest provided Freeman ...

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