Team creates bioplastic made from shrimp shells

( —For many people, "plastic" is a one-word analog for environmental disaster. It is made from precious petroleum, after all, and once discarded in landfills and oceans, it takes centuries to degrade.

Fully compostable bioplastic made from shrimp shells

( —Researchers at Harvard's Wyss Institute have developed a method to carry out large-scale manufacturing of everyday objects—from cell phones to food containers and toys—using a fully degradable bioplastic ...

Muscle powers spearing mantis shrimp attacks

Mantis shrimps pack a powerful punch, whether they smash or spear their victims. According to Maya deVries and Sheila Patek from University of California, Berkeley, smasher mantis shrimps power their claws' ballistic blows ...

Sesearchers unravel life cycle of blue-crab parasite

Professor Jeff Shields and colleagues at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science have succeeded in their 15-year effort to unravel the life history of Hematodinium, a single-celled parasite that afflicts blue crabs and is ...

Deep-sea diversity surprises researchers

Scientists have shed new light on the evolution of deep-sea creatures by looking at the genes of one shrimp-like species, rather than their physical characteristics.

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