Mystery of funky "disco clam" flashing revealed

In the dark, underwater caves of the Indo-Pacific Ocean, a lucky diver may be treated to a rare underwater light show: the flashing of the clam Ctenoides ales, also known as the 'disco' clam. How and why these invertebrates ...

How do mantis shrimp find their way home?

Mantis shrimps have earned fame for their powerful punching limbs, incredibly unusual eyes, and vivid exoskeletons. And, it turns out, they're also really good at finding their way home. Through a series of painstaking experiments ...

Research reveals exotic Henslow Crabs in North Sea

( -- Climate change has led to masses of bizarre swimming crabs to invade the North Sea - hundreds of miles from their usual home, new research has revealed.

Shallow-water shrimp tolerates deep-sea conditions

By studying the tolerance of marine invertebrates to a wide range of temperature and pressure, scientists are beginning to understand how shallow-water species could have colonised the ocean depths.

Wildlife groups sue for more protection of turtles

(AP) -- Several wildlife protection groups are suing the federal agency that regulates fishing in U.S. waters, claiming the government isn't doing enough to protect endangered sea turtles from drowning in shrimp nets.

Researchers develop a shrimp authenticity test

Diners with discerning tastes may be keen to order an entrée featuring shrimp harvested from the waters of the Atlantic. Or perhaps they prefer a Pacific crustacean.

Antidepressants make shrimps see the light

( -- Rising levels of antidepressants in coastal waters could change sea-life behaviour and potentially damage the food-chain, according to a new study.

Assessing the sustainability of aquaculture production

Global consumption of seafood has risen dramatically over the last decade, due to a growing population, increased affluence and changing eating habits - many now see seafood as a healthy alternative to meat. The EU is the ...

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