Super shrimp could increase yield and prevent disease

Single-sex prawns could help alleviate poverty, reduce disease and protect the environment, according to researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) who have developed a monosex prawn that may make this winning ...

New type of visual filter discovered in an unlikely place

A University of Minnesota-led research team recently discovered a new way animals can modify their vision. Crystal-like structures in the photoreceptors of larval mantis shrimp simultaneously reflect and transmit light onto ...

How worms snare their hosts

Acanthocephala are parasitic worms that reproduce in the intestines of various animals, including fish. However, only certain species of fish are suitable as hosts. A study by the University of Bonn now shows how the parasites ...

Sea anemones are ingesting plastic microfibers

Tiny fragments of plastic in the ocean are consumed by sea anemones along with their food, and bleached anemones retain these microfibers longer than healthy ones, according to new research from Carnegie's Manoela Romanó ...

Shrimp claw inspires new method of underwater plasma generation

Texas A&M University researchers are looking to nature for inspiration in developing a new method of underwater plasma generation using shrimp as a model—a discovery that could provide significant improvements for actions ...

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