Pew maps Twitter conversations, finds six types

People take to Twitter to talk about everything from politics to breakfast to Justin Bieber in what feels like a chaotic stream of messages. So it may come as a surprise that the conversations on the short messaging service ...

Does WhatsApp deal show Facebook knows what's up?

If Facebook hopes to remain the social networking leader, CEO Mark Zuckerberg knows the company must follow the people. That realization compelled Zuckerberg to pay $19 billion for WhatsApp, a mobile messaging application ...

Twitter stock continues to slide

Twitter's stock price continued a recent decline on Wednesday, closing down 3.5 percent after an analyst lowered the short messaging service's rating on concerns that its stock price is too high.

Texting turns 20, LOL

It's been an especially fruitful week for rueful lamentations about "kids today." Monday marked the 20th anniversary of the text message. Along with it came the predictable chorus of bellyaching about the demise of literacy, ...

Smartphones put writing on the wall for paid texts

Text messaging, the simple telecoms service that turned into a global phenomenon, is under threat from free smartphone services and operators need to find alternative revenue streams, analysts say.

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