Using sound to protect aquatic life

The large cargo ships that steam daily into Newark Bay unload more than the colorful containers stacked on deck - from their holds they also can release millions of gallons of water teeming with tiny sea creatures from faraway ...

Ship noise makes crabs get crabby

A study published today in Biology Letters found that ship noise affects crab metabolism, with largest crabs faring worst, and found little evidence that crabs acclimatise to noise over time.

New computer model better explains workings of tsunamis

( -- Because they occur so infrequently, more often than not in areas where they aren’t recorded very well, scientists have been working nearly blind in trying to understand how tsunamis work once they reach ...

Are invasives bad? Not always, researchers say

In 1988, a mysterious invader washed upon the New Jersey shore. The Asian shore crab likely arrived in ballast from commercial ships, and it found its new home to be quite agreeable. More than two decades later, the crab, ...

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