More is better when it comes to online product selection

Before online shopping, if a store didn't carry the item you wanted it could take days or weeks to get it, if the store would even make a special order. That was then. Now, there's no reason for retailers not to take advantage ...

Virtual reality, new tools let you redecorate from the couch

Stop moving around the new sofa to try to figure out where it fits. Forget about trying to judge a paint color from tiny samples against the wall. New tools like virtual reality measuring apps and online mood boards are trying ...

Netflix, Amazon face quotas for European movies

US firms Netflix and Amazon face quotas for European movies and television shows under new EU proposals unveiled Wednesday that also aim to lift cross-border barriers for Internet shoppers.

Can Facebook save Australia's dairy farmers?

Social media is coming to the aid of Australia's dairy farmers by promoting the virtues of stumping up an extra dollar to buy branded milk, leaving the $2 house brands on the shelves, says QUT retail expert Dr Gary Mortimer.

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