Spectacular meteor shower set to light up UK skies

A spectacular display of hundreds of shooting stars are expected to be visible in the skies across parts of the UK late on Wednesday as the annual Perseid meteor shower reaches its peak.

Cosmic puzzle settled: Comets give us shooting stars

Suspicions that shooting stars come from comet dust, transformed into fiery streaks as they hit Earth's atmosphere, have been bolstered by Europe's Rosetta space mission, scientists reported Monday.

2012 movie massacre hung over 'Interview' decision

When a group claiming credit for the hacking of Sony Pictures Entertainment threated violence against theaters showing "The Interview" earlier this week, the fate of the movie's big-screen life was all but sealed.

Geminid meteor shower returns December 13-14

If it's clear late on Saturday and Sunday nights (the nights of December 13th and 14th), keep a lookout high overhead for the "shooting stars" of the Geminid meteor shower. "The Geminids are usually one of the two best meteor ...

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