Scientists film shock waves in diamond

Researchers have used ultra-short pulses of X-rays to film shock waves in diamonds. The study headed by DESY scientists opens up new possibilities for studying the properties of materials. Thanks to the extremely bright and ...

Regulation of an embryonic small heat shock protein deciphered

Small heat shock proteins ensure that other proteins do not clot, allowing the cell to survive stress. Defects in these "small helpers" are associated with medical conditions like cataracts and cancer. Now, scientists at ...

Defining a national standard for dynamic pressure waves

In recent years, the physical damage done by pressure waves – such as traumatic brain injuries from explosives sustained by military personnel in the Middle East – has become an increasingly urgent public concern.

Molecular chaperones help with folding

Chaperones are molecular helpers that assist other proteins with folding. One such chaperone is the so-called heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60). This protein forms structures in mitochondria that resemble barrels in which folding ...

Giant cosmic tsunami wakes up comatose galaxies

Galaxies are often found in clusters, with many 'red and dead' neighbours that stopped forming stars in the distant past. Now an international team of astronomers, led by Andra Stroe of Leiden Observatory and David Sobral ...

Psychological explanation to how traditions are created

The threat of punishment combined with people's willingness to copy others – this is the basis for a new psychological model that can describe how traditions and norms are created and maintained according to researchers ...

Rats found able to recognize pain in other rat faces

(—A team of researchers working in Japan with affiliations to several institutions in that country, has found that lab rats are able to recognize pain in the faces of other rats and avoid them when given the opportunity. ...

"Mini supernova" explosion could have big impact

In Hollywood blockbusters, explosions are often among the stars of the show. In space, explosions of actual stars are a focus for scientists who hope to better understand their births, lives, and deaths and how they interact ...

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