Electric shocks kill bacteria

Low temperatures and an acidic environment create the ideal conditions for an effective method of inactivating Listeria (and other germs) in the processing of whey protein solutions – without destroying valuable nutrients. ...

How rare minerals form when meteorites slam into Earth

The discovery of a rare mineral (reidite) at the Woodleigh meteorite impact structure in Western Australia was published this week by Curtin University honours student Morgan Cox and colleagues.

Cellular stress defense

Small heat-shock proteins (sHSPs) are molecular chaperones that bind to unfolded proteins to prevent protein aggregation and defend against cellular stress. Mutations in human sHSPs are associated with inherited diseases ...

Hsp90—more than just a chaperone

Researchers from the Verstreken lab (VIB-KU Leuven) have identified a completely novel function for Hsp90, one of the most common and most studied proteins in our body. In addition to its well-known role as a protein chaperone, ...

Scientists discover new function of heat-shock protein

An international research team has identified a new function of Hsp90, one of the most common and studied proteins in the human body. The study has implications for the development of new drugs.

Infrared sensor serves as a new tool for drug discovery

Scientists have found a new method for analysing how active agents affect a specific protein essential for cell survival. Their research could help to quickly develop drugs with fewer side effects.

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