China ship sails to Atlantic and back, via Arctic

(AP)—A Chinese icebreaker docked Thursday at Shanghai after becoming the first vessel from China to cross the Arctic Ocean, a landmark trip that is part of Beijing's efforts to expand its presence in the Arctic.

Profiteers of climate change in the Arctic

Climate change has made it easier to gain access to the Arctic for the extraction of fossil fuels. It is also opening up shipping routes that were once mostly covered by ice. As an analysis by ETH Zurich’s 'Center for ...

Arctic shipping routes open

Satellite measurements show we are heading for another year of below-average ice cover in the Arctic. As sea ice melts during the summer months, two major shipping routes have opened in the Arctic Ocean.

Want to save fuel? Fly a kite, German inventor says

The blue-hulled vessel would slip by unnoticed on most seas if not for the white kite, high above her prow, towing her to what its creators hope will be a bright, wind-efficient future.

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