WikiLeaks documents hint of slick plans for arctic oil

With Arctic ice receding at an unprecedented pace due to global warming, many nations seem far more interested in carving up the newly exposed resources than doing something to slow climate change, according to documents ...

Jump in whale deaths blamed on krill, ship traffic

(AP) -- An increase in the population of a tiny crustacean and busy shipping lanes are being blamed for a jump in the number of whale deaths in Northern California waters this year.

Salvaging ship from Barrier Reef could take weeks

(AP) -- A salvage team could take weeks to remove a grounded coal-carrying ship from Australia's Great Barrier Reef, where it is leaking oil in a pristine marine environment, a state leader said on Monday.

Geoengineering takes a ride in the shipping lanes

Ships blowing off steam are helping researchers understand how manmade particles might be useful against global warming. New results from modeling clouds like those seen in shipping lanes reveal the complex interplay between ...

Icebergs head from Antarctica for New Zealand

(AP) -- Ships in the south Pacific Ocean have been alerted that hundreds of icebergs believed to have split off Antarctic ice shelves are drifting north toward New Zealand, officials said Tuesday.

U.S., Canada near agreement to control pollutants from ships

The five-story-tall engines on oceangoing vessels burn some of the dirtiest oil -- bottom-of-the-barrel bunker -- and churn out a substantial amount of the air pollution in American port cities, coastal communities along ...

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