Using LiDAR to shine a light on Ross Ice Shelf

As we closed out November the project team had completed 18 survey lines and 4 tie lines from a total of 9 flights, producing over 16,000 line km of data. The IcePod and team have been a working hard! The closing email for ...

NASA's Operation IceBridge completes twin polar campaigns

NASA's Operation IceBridge, an airborne survey of polar ice, recently finalized two overlapping campaigns at both of Earth's poles. Down south, the mission observed a big drop in the height of two glaciers situated in the ...

Unlocking the secrets of the shelf seas

The Royal Research Ship Discovery has completed her first year of research. Over a series of nine research expeditions, scientists studied the seasonal events taking place in UK shelf waters throughout the year. The vessel, ...

Glaciologist's commute to the world's coldest job

For glaciologist Kelly Brunt, the commute to work can range from driving a few minutes to develop models on a computer to taking long-distance flights to gather data in some of the planet's coldest places.

Russia files UN claim over vast swathe of Arctic

Russia pressed a claim at the United Nations Tuesday for an additional 1.2 million square kilometres (463,000 square miles) of Arctic shelf, stepping up a race for the region's hydrocarbon and mineral wealth.

Accelerated warming of the continental shelf off northeast coast

A couple of unexplained large scale changes in the waters off the northeast coast of the U.S. have oceanographers perplexed: an accelerated rate of sea level rise compared to most other parts of the world; and the disturbing ...

Evolution of the Antarctic ice sheet

ULB study sheds a new light on the stability of the Antarctic ice sheet. It shows for the first time that ice rises (pinning points that keep the floating parts of ice sheets in place) are formed during the transition between ...

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