Related topics: cattle

Dingo found as culprit to WA sheep decline

New research suggests that unless drastic action is taken to control dingo incursions, rangeland production of wool and sheep meat in Western Australia will disappear within 30 to 40 years.

Controlling parasitic worms with genetic selection

Helminths are gastrointestinal parasitic worms that have become a major concern and source of economic loss for sheep producers around the world. A new article published today in the Canadian Journal of Animal Science reviews ...

Ticks kill sheep

In some lamb herds, a mortality rate of 30 percent has been recorded, albeit, no predators have been involved in these losses. The situation is so serious that the sheep industry could be under threat. It is therefore crucial ...

Worm resistance being spread by wild hares

Wild hares have been found to be important carriers of sheep worms and are likely to be helping spread resistance to worm drenches, according to new University of Adelaide research.

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