Are great white sharks endangered?

It's a mystery of the sea: How many great white sharks are prowling near California's surf lines? Some scientists say the population is large and healthy. Others say it is alarmingly small. No one has ever known for certain, ...

The great shark debate: To cull or not to cull?

The great shark debate continues in Australia as summer approaches. Shark bites on bathers and surfers are a particularly sensitive reality. These are personal and community-wide tragedies that implore us to find adequate ...

Indonesia's 'unique' whale sharks get pet tags

The "unique habit" of whale sharks that converge to feed from fishing nets in Indonesia has allowed them to be tagged with low-cost technology usually used on pets, conservationists said Tuesday.

Shark cull overkill

When West Australian (WA) Premier Colin Barnett sanctioned the killing of sharks longer than three metres that come within a kilometre of the shoreline, the decision was immediately met with fierce opposition. Professor of ...

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