Australia hunts for killer shark with spear in throat

A teenager who escaped a shark attack that killed his friend in western Australia has described how he fired his spear gun into the suspected great white as authorities searched for the animal Tuesday.

Australian firm launches 'anti-shark' wetsuits

An Australian research firm Thursday launched what is being touted as the world's first anti-shark wetsuit, using new discoveries about the predators' eyesight to stave off or evade an attack.

Are humans to blame for shark attacks?

An apparent increase in shark attacks may well have a human cause, with low-cost air travel but also over-fishing and possibly global warming among the hidden suspects, say experts.

A factor in shark attack increase: More people in water

Federal wildlife protections are helping sharks rebound, but they aren't the sole reason for the uptick in encounters between sharks and humans. Expanding human populations and growing use of beaches are major factors too, ...

Shark attacks are so unlikely, but so fascinating

Sharks are incredibly unlikely to bite you. They're even less likely to kill you. However, we remain fascinated with their ability – and occasional proclivity – to do just that. With so many things more likely to harm ...

Humans blamed as shark attacks 'double'

Sharks killed twice as many swimmers and surfers last year than in 2010, with the increase due largely to a growth in tourism and changing shark patterns due to global warming.

Sharks: Bad creatures or bad image?

(—Historically, the media have been particularly harsh to sharks, and it's affecting their survival.

Researchers document 55 more white sharks in Cape Cod waters

The scientific nonprofit that tracks the white shark population in Cape Cod waters identified 55 sharks never before documented in the area during its most recent research season, but experts say that's no reason for tourists ...

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