The sharing economy is transforming sustainability

Sharing has always been a part of human society. But in recent years, the internet and smartphones have made sharing easier than ever. You can rent a room in someone's home, hire a ride from a stranger, borrow a power tool ...

Sharing economy can help financial struggles

The power of the sharing economy in shaking up traditional industries can be harnessed to help financially struggling Queenslanders, according to QUT research.

Renting isn't lending: The 'sharing economy' fallacy

The "sharing economy" seems to be everywhere at the moment. The Economist, the Financial Times and many others have all waxed lyrical about the social significance of using sites such as Airbnb or Uber to collaborate with ...

'Sharing economy' goes mainstream as IPOs loom

The "sharing economy" is becoming mainstream with the anticipated stock listings from services such as Uber, Lyft and Airbnb, signs that the trend is gaining momentum and impacting multiple sectors.

Study: How new Airbnb nondiscrimination policy may be worse

The sharing economy is a booming industry, with companies such as Uber and Airbnb generating billions in value each year. Technology, combined with informal peer business practice, has made it easier than ever to call for ...

Circular economy is not the panacea many had hoped for

In recent years, the circular economy has become a guiding principle in industrial and environmental policies. But how good is it really? The definition of a circular economy is unclear and lacks substance, according to a ...

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