Airbnb, Uber woes show Japan does not share easily

Thousands of Airbnb reservations scrapped, Uber reduced to delivering food: life is hard in Japan for giants of the sharing economy, stuck between tough regulation and popular suspicion.

The sharing economy is transforming sustainability

Sharing has always been a part of human society. But in recent years, the internet and smartphones have made sharing easier than ever. You can rent a room in someone's home, hire a ride from a stranger, borrow a power tool ...

China's sharing economy now embraces sex dolls

China has shared bikes, umbrellas, and basketballs, but one company is taking the country's love affair with the "sharing economy" to an erotic extreme with a line of rentable sex dolls.

Study: How new Airbnb nondiscrimination policy may be worse

The sharing economy is a booming industry, with companies such as Uber and Airbnb generating billions in value each year. Technology, combined with informal peer business practice, has made it easier than ever to call for ...

Study asks if Uber drivers are entrepreneurs

The ridesharing company Uber has become a poster child for the sharing economy. Just about anyone with a driver's license and a car can turn those assets into a money-making venture—one in which drivers are told they can ...

How blockchain will transform our cities

Many trends on the horizon offer opportunities that could transform our cities. From self-driving vehicles and the sharing economy through to cloud computing and blockchain technologies, each of these trends is quite significant ...

Workers are taking on more risk in the gig economy

To secure work in the gig economy, workers often have to contribute not just their time and labour but also their capital. This means workers are not only shouldering the risks associated with insecure employment but also ...

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