Pa. gas drilling, regulation interests Brazil

From the shale underlying Western Pennsylvania to the deep-sea oil off the coast of Brazil, emerging energy sources have policymakers and entrepreneurs from both hemispheres talking business.

Coal fights to keep power in US energy mix

Four months after pledging to lead the United States on a path to sustainable energy, President Barack Obama faces a turning point on electricity generated from coal, one of the dirtiest of fuels.

NY health chief: Longer gas-drilling study needed

(AP)—Environmental groups are praising state regulators for delaying a decision on shale gas development until a more in-depth health study is finished. But landowners eager to reap profits from their mineral resources ...

Analysis of fracking wastewater yields some surprises

Hydraulically fractured natural gas wells are producing less wastewater per unit of gas recovered than conventional wells would. But the scale of fracking operations in the Marcellus shale region is so vast that the wastewater ...

Can we accurately model fluid flow in shale?

(—Given that over 20 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, a third of the United States' total reserves, are thought to be trapped in shale, and given the rush to exploit shale oil and gas resources by Australia, ...

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