Video: Near-miss by asteroid 2013 NJ

Earlier today the near-Earth asteroid 2013 NJ sailed by, coming as close as 2.5 lunar distances—about 960,000 km/596,500 miles.

From Cassini for the holidays: A splendor seldom seen

(—Just in time for the holidays, NASA's Cassini spacecraft, in orbit around Saturn for more than eight years now, has delivered another glorious, backlit view of the planet Saturn and its rings.

Spacecraft capture solar eclipse's Earthly effect

A Japanese meteorology satellite captured the moving shadow from the total solar eclipse this week, and this animated series of images shows the shadow moving east-southeast across northeastern Australia and into the waters ...

Saturn shows off its shadow

Take a look up at the enormous shadow cast by Saturn onto its own rings in this raw image, acquired by NASA's Cassini spacecraft on September 18, 2012.

First photo of shadow of single atom

In an international scientific breakthrough, a Griffith University research team has been able to photograph the shadow of a single atom for the first time.

The other end of an eclipse

As the annular eclipse on May 20 sent skywatchers around the globe gazing upwards to see the Sun get darkened by the Moon’s silhouette, NASA’s Terra satellite caught the other side of the event: the Moon’s ...

First special operations MC-130J Combat Shadow II

Lockheed Martin rolled out the first aircraft in a new fleet of MC-130J Combat Shadow IIs for the U.S. Air Force’s Special Operations Command (AFSOC) during a ceremony here today.

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