Survey explores impact of technology-facilitated abuse

A team from The University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology and University College London is examining how domestic and sexual violence survivors are being impacted by Internet of Things (IoT) technology, ...

Childhood violence in Asia costs society dear

Violence against children costs countries in the East Asia and Pacific region more than $200 billion - or nearly two per cent of the area's Gross Domestic Product.

Domestic violence disproportionately affects remarried women

Facing social and financial pressures, remarried women in Cambodia are at increased risk for domestic violence compared to first-time married, divorced or single women, Sothy Eng, Lehigh University professor of practice in ...

Lack of media skepticism tied to belief in rape myths

People who tend to recognize similarities between people they know and people depicted in the media are more likely to believe common myths about sexual assault, according to a new study co-led by a Cornell researcher.

Still too soon to tell impact of #MeToo

It's been more than a year since #MeToo went viral and sparked a movement to draw attention to the prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, but it's still too soon to say whether it will have a lasting impact, according ...

Women's widespread inequality and rape as a weapon of war

Women are more likely to experience mass rape and sexual torture in armed conflicts around the world, as a deliberate strategy to humiliate, intimidate and dominate them and their 'enemy' community.

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