Study: Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted

A study by Dr. Mirjam Fischer and colleagues at the University of Cologne's Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology (ISS) shows that children and adolescents with same-sex parents are just as well adjusted as those with ...

What you didn't learn in school about sexual health

If you're looking for science-based, judgment-free intel, a lot of sexual health stories leave something to be desired. Cosmopolitan has decided on "10 Sex Things Every Woman Should Do." Every woman—got that? No exceptions!

Anti-gay slurs not targeted just at gay men

The childhood playground can be a tough place with insults flying faster than dodgeballs, and while some children outgrow the name calling, others never seem to. Hurling slurs as adults only exacerbates problems. The use ...

Workplace homophobia rises during recessions

Gay men experience increased discrimination in the labor market during times of economic recession, with significant discrepancies in pay and offers of job interviews compared to heterosexual men, according to a study by ...

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