Girls in Tech founder embraces challenging mission

The way Girls in Tech founder Adriana Gascoigne sees it, revelations about sexual harassment in Silicon Valley technology firms are a double-edged sword: They shine a light on a serious problem but depict an environment that ...

Does bad behavior really hurt business?

Silicon Valley seems to have more than its share of companies behaving badly. Among up-and-comers in the tech world, privacy abuses and executive gaffes have become viral sensations. But is all that bad behavior actually ...

Key tech investor leaves VC firm amid harassment claims

Shervin Pishevar, an early Uber investor and a founder of high-speed transport startup Hyperloop One, said Thursday he is breaking ties with his Silicon Valley venture capital firm to fight sexual harassment allegations.

Bullying makes men leave the labor market

Men and women are almost at an equal risk of being bullied in the workplace, but whereas bullying often causes women to go on prolonged sick leave or use antidepressants, men often choose to leave the labor market altogether ...

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