This type of sexual harassment on campus often goes overlooked

When the #MeToo movement gained momentum in 2017, it exposed widespread sexual harassment in the workplace, and academia was no exception. Yet the COVID-19 pandemic has dimmed the spotlight on this issue in higher education ...

Lack of media skepticism tied to belief in rape myths

People who tend to recognize similarities between people they know and people depicted in the media are more likely to believe common myths about sexual assault, according to a new study co-led by a Cornell researcher.

Research lifts the lid on the influence of pornography

Society needs a more critical, nuanced, and gendered understanding of pornography in the digital age, says Samantha Keene, who graduates with a Ph.D. in Criminology from Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington ...

Social media help young people to explore sexuality

We need to get away from the idea that social media have a negative impact on the sexual behaviour of young people. "Social media can actually be an excellent way for young people to explore sexuality," says anthropologist ...

Sex-ed is crucial to the rights of children

Young people today live in a complex, fast-paced and perpetually connected world and face issues and pressures that were not even anticipated two decades ago.

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