LGBQ students less likely to stay in STEM majors

For years, researchers have known that it is hard to attract and keep women and some minorities in science, technology, engineering and math - or STEM - fields. Now, a Montana State University researcher has found that the ...

'Sex and romance' among Dutch teenagers described

Project STARS has carried out the first long-term study into romantic relationships and sexuality among Dutch teenagers. Interestingly, the diaries the teenagers kept for the researchers reveal that the teenagers think more ...

Reduction of germ cells yields more zebrafish males

Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory, Hokkaido University and Ehime University are pleased to announce that their researchers have discovered that the reduction of gonadal stem cells will yield more male zebrafish. The article ...

Gap closed in the genetic map of kingdom fungi

An international research team headed by PD Dr Minou Nowrousian from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) has sequenced the genome of the ascomycete Pyronema confluens, thus closing a gap in the genetic map of fungi. For the ...

Scientists identify key event for sex determination

Scientists at the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) in Mainz have identified a protein essential for initiating the development of male sex organs. Loss of the gene Gadd45g results in complete sex reversal of male mice, ...

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