Female fruit flies enter the ring of sexual competition

When it comes to sexual competition, males have the star role. Clashing bodies, locking horns, biting and kicking are all considered fair play. Since these behaviors are so salient and robust, most studies focus on male behavior, ...

Female finches are picky but pragmatic when choosing a mate

Female zebra finches are choosy but flexible when it comes to finding a mate, allowing them to avoid the fitness costs of being too selective when competition for males is high, report Wolfgang Forstmeier at the Max Planck ...

Competition leads to fathers who produce more male sperm

New research led by The University of Western Australia has shown that the social conditions that a male experiences while growing up can influence the amount of X and Y chromosome sperm that he produces as an adult.

Study finds shape not size matters in male mice

Male mice exposed to other male competitors have thicker penis bones according to a new study by researchers at The University of Western Australia, published today in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Why fruit fly sperm are giant

In the animal kingdom, sperm usually are considerably smaller than eggs, which means that males can produce far more of them. Large numbers of tiny sperm can increase the probability of successful fertilization, especially ...

'Super males' emerge from male-dominated populations, study finds

Males who evolve in male-dominated populations become far better at securing females than those who grow up in monogamous populations, according to new research into the behaviour of fruit flies at the University of Sheffield.

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