Research to target untested rape kits

Researchers at Sam Houston State University and the University of Texas at Austin will team up with representatives from the criminal justice system in Houston to establish protocols to determine when sexual assault kits ...

Innocent African-Americans more likely to be wrongfully convicted

African-American prisoners who were convicted of murder are about 50 percent more likely to be innocent than other convicted murderers and spend longer in prison before exoneration, according to a report released today that's ...

Still too soon to tell impact of #MeToo

It's been more than a year since #MeToo went viral and sparked a movement to draw attention to the prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, but it's still too soon to say whether it will have a lasting impact, according ...

Lack of media skepticism tied to belief in rape myths

People who tend to recognize similarities between people they know and people depicted in the media are more likely to believe common myths about sexual assault, according to a new study co-led by a Cornell researcher.

Sexual assault worse for those who don't attend college

One in four women in the United States will experience forced intercourse by the time they're 44, and the risk is greater for women who have attended little or no college compared to those who attend four or more years of ...

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