Current sexual abuse laws leave online victims unprotected

People's lives have been shattered by so-called "revenge porn," upskirting, fake porn, sexual extortion and videos of sexual assaults and rape shared online. Victims and survivors can experience profound "social rupture"—a ...

Justice system chips away at women's rights

Arrests of women increased dramatically in the past two decades, while domestic abuse laws meant to protect female victims have put many behind bars for defending themselves, a new paper argues.

The scourge of sexual violence in West Africa, unveiled

When Zougba's husband fled the jihadist violence crippling Burkina Faso, she soon found herself with her young son, daughter and other women on the road in a mission to join him. After 10km, four armed men surged into view ...

Crime Victims' Institute studies adolescent sex and laws

While statutory rape laws have been enacted to protect minors from sexual abuse by adults or peers, more teenagers are engaging in sexual activity before the legal age of consent and are facing sexual assault charges.