Study dispels theories of Y chromosome's demise

A comparison of Y chromosomes in eight African and eight European men dispels the common notion that the Y's genes are mostly unimportant and that the chromosome is destined to dwindle and disappear.

Evolution of diverse sex-determining mechanisms in mammals

Scientists historically have argued that evolution proceeds through gradual development of traits. But how can incremental changes apply to the binary switch between two sexes, male or female? Researchers at Case Western ...

Molecular monkey arranges X-chromosome activation

X chromosomes are very special genetic material. They differ in number between men and women. To achieve equality between sexes, one out of two X chromosomes in women is silenced. In flies, the opposite happens: in male flies, ...

Sex is 'nothing but trouble', geneticist says

( —Sex determining genes in marsupials have shed some light on how the Y chromosome, which determines the male sex in humans, will quickly degenerate and eventually disappear, according to a world-renowned evolutionary ...

Pining for a beetle genome

The sequencing and assembly of the genome of the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae, is published online this week in Genome Biology. The species is native to North America, where it is currently wreaking havoc ...

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