In immune cells, X marks the spot(s)

There are many known sex differences in health and disease: cases in which either men or women are more likely to get a disease, experience a symptom, or have a certain drug side effect. Some of these sex differences are ...

How proteins roll the dice to determine bee sex

To date it has been unclear exactly how the sex of a bee is determined. A research team from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) including biologists and chemists has now identified a key gene and the molecular mechanism ...

How sex differences influence lung injury in mice

More than 2,500 genes exhibit significant sex differences in expression in mouse alveolar type II cells (AT2s), which are important for keeping the lungs functioning, potentially explaining sex biases in the prevalence and ...

Migration as morality politics

Migration often serves as an arena for conflicting values. In this context, religious groups, civil society organizations and local authorities often show a more liberal attitude than the state. The political scientist Julia ...

Team investigates sex-determination mechanisms in birds

Scientists have known that sex-determination in vertebrates happens in the germ cells, a body's reproductive cells, and the somatic cells, the cells that are not reproductive cells. Yet they have not fully understood the ...

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