How AI is clearing the waters in urban rivers

Researchers have developed a new machine learning system to improve the accuracy and efficiency of sewer-river system models. This innovative approach, detailed in an article published in Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, ...

Disposable wipes are costing sewage systems millions of dollars

Several class-action lawsuits filed recently against the makers of flushable wet-wipes have brought to light a serious—and unsavory—problem: The popular cleaning products might be clogging sewer systems. But whether the ...

Lose the fat: Targeting grease to curtail sewer overflows

Sewer overflows are a nasty business, posing dangers to human health and the environment. North Carolina State University is launching a new project with funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that targets ...

How to tell when a sewage pipe needs repair—before it bursts

The nation's sewer system is a topic most people would prefer to avoid, but its aging infrastructure is wearing out, and broken pipes leaking raw sewage into streets and living rooms are forcing the issue. To better predict ...

Plugging the leak on laundry pollution

Joaquim Goes, an ocean biochemist at Columbia Climate School's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, had to look twice when he first saw the tiny strands of fiber floating in a water sample from the Hudson River. An expert in ...

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