Male birds sing less to females on antidepressants

During courtship male starlings sing less to females who have been fed dilute concentrations of antidepressants, according to a new study led by the University of York.

Making the nitrate problem of agriculture vanish into air

Nitrate concentrations of our groundwater are among the highest in the European Union. The main reason is over-fertilization of fields with feces from livestock farming. Every year, a "liquid manure shower" of 200 million ...

Gaza to pump sewage straight into sea as crisis worsens

Municipalities in Gaza announced Wednesday they will pump sewage straight into the sea from the Palestinian coastal enclave due to fuel shortages and the desperate humanitarian situation in the strip.

Tracking wastewater's path to wells, groundwater

We often "flush it and forget it" when it comes to waste from toilets and sinks. However, it's important to be able to track this wastewater to ensure it doesn't end up in unwanted places. A group of Canadian scientists has ...

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