Drug residues in Swedish sewage water

Chemists at Umeå University in Sweden have been able to trace narcotics substances and prescription drugs in measurements of wastewater from 33 Swedish sewage treatment plants. Cocaine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine, ...

'Superbugs' found breeding in sewage plants

(Phys.org) —Tests at two wastewater treatment plants in northern China revealed antibiotic-resistant bacteria were not only escaping purification but also breeding and spreading their dangerous cargo.

Japan to spend $970 mn on nuclear soil store

Japan is planning to earmark 100 billion yen ($970 million) for a storage facility for tens of thousands of tonnes of soil contaminated with radiation from the Fukushima disaster, a report said Wednesday.

Microbes strip power from poo

EPSRC-funded scientists have developed a process using microbes which removes the need to use electricity to process sewage at treatment plants. The microbes can also be used to produce large quantities of valuable hydrogen ...

Double effort needed to clean up Thames

The River Thames will fail to meet pollution standards in 2015 unless farmers use 20 per cent less fertiliser and water companies reduce phosphorus discharges from sewage treatment, according to a new study.

Using cattails for insulation

A growing number of homeowners are insulating their walls in order to lower energy costs. They opt for the cheap variety, polystyrene. Yet there are environmentally-friendly alternatives: Cattails, for instance, are superbly ...

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