Less educated Americans turning their backs on religion

While religious service attendance has decreased for all white Americans since the early 1970s, the rate of decline has been more than twice as high for those without college degrees compared to those who graduated from college, ...

The impact of the slave trade on the Dutch economy

To what extent did the Netherlands grow rich from the Transatlantic slave trade? In his dissertation "Walcherse Ketens," Gerhard de Kok looks at Vlissingen and Middelburg, the most important slave trade cities in the Netherlands ...

Yes, AT&T, it pays to win back lost customers

The competition for customers in the service sector is fierce, and new customers are entering the market all the time. So when a company such as Time Warner, Travelocity, or AT&T loses a customer, is it worth it to try to ...

Pandemic sends US single mothers into poverty

When the coronavirus pandemic shuttered restaurants in California, Aleida Ramirez lost her job as a waitress, plunging her—along with many other single mothers—into a vicious cycle of poverty, unpaid bills and reliance ...

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