Facebook probed by Britain over mood experiment

Authorities will question Facebook over an experiment in which the social network secretly manipulated the feelings of users to test their mood, officials said Wednesday.

My offbeat wish list for the next iPhone

The flurry of rumors and reports surrounding Apple's upcoming iPhone launch have left little to the imagination about what Apple will actually announce Wednesday, but I'm still hoping for a few surprises.

Wireless carriers tell FCC they disclose fees

(AP) -- The nation's biggest wireless carriers are telling federal regulators that they give consumers adequate notice about early termination fees that apply when a service contract is broken before it expires.

FCC seeking information about wireless fees

(AP) -- Federal regulators are asking the nation's big wireless companies whether they give customers adequate notice about early termination fees for breaking a service contract before it expires.

Washington AG slaps T-Mobile USA for new plans

(AP)—Washington state's chief prosecutor says there's a catch to T-Mobile's new cellphone plans, which replace the traditional two-year service contract with an installment plan for phone buyers.

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