Can we save our sequoias and fire lilies from climate change?

Standing in a sunlit grove of stately giant sequoias is a simultaneously humbling and uplifting experience. Dwarfed by the world's largest living organisms, some of which have stood since the fall of ancient Egypt and the ...

Coast redwood and sequoia genome sequences completed

Scientists have completed the sequences for the coast redwood and giant sequoia genomes. The research, officially published this week in the journal G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, helps to better explain the genetic basis ...

Wildfires torched up to a fifth of all giant sequoia trees

Lightning-sparked wildfires killed thousands of giant sequoias this year, leading to a staggering two-year death toll that accounts for up to nearly a fifth of Earth's largest trees, officials said Friday.

Hope after wildfire: Tiny sequoias could grow into giants

Ashtyn Perry was barely as tall as the shovel she stomped into barren ground where a wildfire last year ravaged the California mountain community of Sequoia Crest and destroyed dozens of its signature behemoth trees.

Sequoia National Park's Giant Forest unscathed by wildfire

The ancient massive trees of Sequoia National Park's famed Giant Forest were unscathed Tuesday even though a wildfire has been burning near them on the western side of California's Sierra Nevada for nearly two weeks.

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