Septic tank risk 'needs public awareness campaign'

Members of the public should be urged to take better care of their septic tank systems in order to reduce the risk of bacteria and viruses being released to the environment, scientists will say at an event in Dundee on Wednesday ...

Study pinpoints nutrient behind fresh water algae blooms

University of Alberta ecologist David Schindler has reviewed data from studies of controlling human-caused algae blooms in lakes and says controlling the input of the nutrient phosphorus is the key to fighting the problem.

An underground mozzie that postpones its blood feast

( -- A secretive and exotic species of mosquito, found across much of Australia, has revealed a new twist on the insect's famous 'blood-sucking' reputation to researchers at the University of Sydney.

Ancient sewer excavation sheds light on the Roman diet

( -- Archaeologists working in a system of connected sewers and drains under the ancient town of Herculaneum in the Bay of Naples area of Italy have analyzed the human excrement found there and discovered the ...

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