NASA parachute sensor testing could make EPIC Mars landings

Landing rovers and helicopters on Mars is a challenge. It's an even bigger challenge when you don't have enough information about how the parachutes are enduring strain during the descent to the surface. Researchers at NASA's ...

A new perspective on the temperature inside tropical forests

Tropical forests host up to half of the planet's biodiversity but up to now, ecological studies over tropical forests often relied on large scale datasets depicting open-air temperatures—that is, the temperature outside ...

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Sensor fusion

Sensor fusion is the combining of sensory data or data derived from sensory data from disparate sources such that the resulting information is in some sense better than would be possible when these sources were used individually. The term better in that case can mean more accurate, more complete, or more dependable, or refer to the result of an emerging view, such as stereoscopic vision (calculation of depth information by combining two-dimensional images from two cameras at slightly different viewpoints).

The data sources for a fusion process are not specified to originate from identical sensors. One can distinguish direct fusion, indirect fusion and fusion of the outputs of the former two. Direct fusion is the fusion of sensor data from a set of heterogeneous or homogeneous sensors, soft sensors, and history values of sensor data, while indirect fusion uses information sources like a priori knowledge about the environment and human input.

Sensor fusion is also known as (multi-sensor) Data fusion and is a subset of information fusion.

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