World's best thermometer made from light

( —University of Adelaide physics researchers have produced the world's most sensitive thermometer – three times more precise than the best thermometers in existence.

How to choose a surge protector

Question: The consensus is that it's proper to insert surge protectors between the power source and the computer. The question is, how big? How many joules? Is it true that they "wear out" in a year or so?

Study finds yuck factor counteracts sustainable laundry habits

Most people today would lean towards environmentally-friendly life choices, but not at the expense of being clean. When it comes to our washing habits, the fear of being perceived as dirty often wins out over the desire to ...

Detecting and blocking leaky Android apps

Nine times out of ten, that Android app is connecting to multiple internet destinations without your knowledge, more than half of them require access to the sensitive, personal information on your mobile device in order to ...

Evading Heisenberg isn't easy

EPFL researchers, with colleagues at the University of Cambridge and IBM Research-Zurich, unravel novel dynamics in the interaction between light and mechanical motion with significant implications for quantum measurements ...

Cloudy feedback on global warming

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers have identified a mechanism that causes low clouds - and their influence on Earth's energy balance - to respond differently to global warming depending on their spatial pattern.

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