Related topics: brain

Evaluating measurement error in remote-sensing deforestation data

Remote sensing methods are transformative tools used to study deforestation, but they are by no means perfect. In the new paper "Remotely Incorrect? Accounting for Nonclassical Measurement Error in Satellite Data on Deforestation," ...

Building robust optical structures made of darkness

Optical devices and materials allow scientists and engineers to harness light for research and real-world applications, like sensing and microscopy. Federico Capasso's group at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering ...

Fast magnetic imaging with diamond-based quantum sensor technology

Microscopic imaging of magnetic fields, enabled by quantum sensing, allows the measurement of the unique magnetic fingerprint of objects. This opens the door for fundamentally new applications in various fields such as materials ...

Slightly lost bumble bees use scent to find their way home

Put yourself in the exoskeleton of a bumble bee for a moment: Your world would be a riot of colors and scents, both essential to guide your search for pollen and nectar. Bumble bees have excellent vision: They have a pair ...

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