Senate chairman calls for 'Do Not Track' bill

A top Senate Democrat says the advertising industry is ignoring consumers' requests not to be tracked online and that it's probably time for federal regulation.

Senators revive US cybersecurity bill, with changes

A group of US senators has revived stalled cybersecurity legislation by offering compromises to address civil liberties concerns, an effort quickly endorsed by President Barack Obama.

Facebook to scan for child porn

Facebook's chief technology officer said Thursday that the social network will start scanning for child pornography and images of missing children.

Senators get no clear answers on air bag safety

There were apologies and long-winded explanations, but after nearly four hours of testimony about exploding air bags, senators never got a clear answer to the question most people have: whether or not their cars are safe.

US shutdown keeps new planes grounded

New airplanes are grounded, investigations of fatal air and car crashes are going undone and scientific studies dependent on government funding have ground to a halt because of the partial government shutdown now in its second ...

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