Related topics: solar cells

Researchers establish proof of principle in superconductor study

Three physicists in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, together with their colleagues from the Southern University of Science and Technology and Sun Yat-sen University in China, ...

Producing materials to help break the electronics scaling limit

Ph.D. candidate Saravana Balaji Basuvalingam at the TU/e Department of Applied Physics has developed a new approach to grow, in a controlled and effective way, a library of so-called "TMC materials" with various properties ...

Bending light to engineer improved optical devices and circuits

Rainbows are formed when light bends—or refracts—as it enters and exits a water droplet. The amount that the light bends depends on the color of the light, resulting in white light being separated into a beautiful spectrum ...

Liquid metals come to the rescue of semiconductors

Moore's law is an empirical suggestion stating that the number of transistors doubles every few years in integrated circuits (ICs). However, Moore's law has started to fail as transistors are now so small that current silicon-based ...

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