How to price goods and service bundles

For consumers with two left thumbs, purchasing a product that comes with installation included makes a lot of sense. But for retailers, the quandary is how to price the package in a way that's attractive to the buyer and ...

NASA climate scientist and astronaut Sellers dies at 61

Piers Sellers, a climate scientist and former astronaut who gained fame late in life for his eloquent commentary about the earth's fragility and his own cancer diagnosis, has died. He was 61.

When you buy at a discount online, are you really paying more?

A study published in a recent issue of INFORMS journal Marketing Science has found evidence of a questionable practice that tricks consumers into thinking they are getting a discount when they are actually paying more.

The financial benefits of being bilingual

Financial transactions between people who speak different native languages are more common than ever with more than one in five Americans speaking a language other than English at home. But finding a price that buyers and ...

Black market exists for children's lost comfort items

Any mommy and daddy whose child has lost a favorite blanket or stuffed animal knows the lengths they will go to make everything better again. But parents often are powerless, because the well-worn blankie their child loves ...

Negative reviews boost sales

Aleksei Smirnov, Assistant Professor, HSE University Faculty of Economic Sciences, and Egor Starkov, Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen, have constructed a mathematical model that explains why it is advantageous ...

EBay expands same-day delivery to more cities

EBay is expanding its same-day delivery service to more locations and letting buyers and sellers create "collections" of products available on its site as it moves beyond its roots as an online auctioneer.

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