Selfie culture: What your choice of camera angle says about you

Over the past decade, selfies have become a mainstay of popular culture. If the #selfie hashtag first appeared in 2004, it was the release of the iPhone 4 in 2010 that saw the pictures go viral. Three years later, the Oxford ...

How companies are taking advantage of selfie culture

Who would have thought that millennials' polished selfies at the beach or #nofilter photos of themselves would influence how companies are marketing their products on various social media platforms?

Selfies—why we love (and hate) them

At some point, when I was writing my new book, 'Selfies, why we love (and hate) them,' I walked around the Katrinebjerg halls at Aarhus University, Denmark, and asked people if they'd play a word association game with me.

People are willing to pay to curate their online social image

Social media provides a new environment that makes it possible to carefully edit the image you want to project of yourself. A study from Lund University in Sweden suggests that many people are prepared to pay to "filter out" ...

Most selfie takers aren't narcissists, study says

You do it. Your mom, dad, siblings and friends probably do too. World leaders and entertainers do it—though some better than others. Your friend did it on her vacation last week and you gave her a thumbs-up.

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