Google to test cars without a driver

Google plans to begin testing its new prototype of a self-driving car - which, unlike earlier models, doesn't require a back-up driver - at NASA's Ames Research Center, just a few miles from the tech company's headquarters, ...

Toyota unveils cars with auto pilot

Toyota on Friday unveiled the next generation of cars featuring an auto pilot system that will swerve to avoid collisions and also keep to the middle of the road, all without drivers touching the wheel.

Uber self-driving cars hit the streets of San Francisco

Uber is bringing a small number of self-driving cars to its ride-hailing service in San Francisco—a move likely to excite the city's tech-savvy population and certain to antagonize California regulators.

Uber fires back at Google spinoff in self-driving car case

Uber is scoffing at claims that its expansion into self-driving cars hinges on trade secrets stolen from a Google spinoff, arguing that its ride-hailing service has been working on potentially superior technology.

Self-drive trucks 'future of Europe's busy highways'

Six convoys of semi-automated "smart" trucks arrived in Rotterdam's harbour Wednesday after an experiment its organisers say will revolutionise future road transport on Europe's busy highways.

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