Self driving cars could free up rush hour traffic

A fleet of shared self-driving cars in Stockholm could reduce rush hour traffic volumes by 14 cars for every shared vehicle, according to researchers at Sweden's KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Virtual driver can increase confidence in self-driving car

Self-driving cars are what we can all expect to see in the future. But will drivers be willing to leave control to technology? Behavioral scientist Frank Verberne at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) believes a virtual ...

How will self-driving cars affect your insurance?

Mark Molthan admits he wasn't paying attention when his car crashed into a fence, leaving him with a bloody nose, according to a news report. The Texan had left control of his Tesla Model S to its autopilot system, which ...

The long road to autonomous vehicles

Back in 1995, the NavLab 5 team at Carnegie Mellon University launched an autonomous vehicle on a trip from Pittsburgh to San Diego.

Feds preview rules of the road for self-driving cars

Obama administration officials are previewing long-awaited guidance that attempts to bring self-driving cars to the nation's roadways safely—without creating so many roadblocks that the technology can't make it to market ...

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